一次在高鐵車上,看到斜前方有一名男子拿著伊坂幸太郎的<家鴨與野鴨的投幣式置物櫃>,心裡有一股衝動想過去跟他說:「你喜歡這本書嗎?<奧杜邦的祈禱>你看過了嗎?」雖然最後沒有付諸行動,不過我才感受到自己對於遇到同好的心情是多麼激動啊!伊坂的書我是從<孩子們>看起的,一開始是因這本書涉及教育而受吸引,不過這本書故事性不強。後來再看<奧杜邦的祈禱>才迷上他。<Lush Life>這本書有許多引起共鳴的地方──
| 音 樂 | 有感句 |
Lush Life | <Lush Life> ˙戶田:「這是一首歌的歌名,你不聽爵士樂嗎?這是柯川(John Coltrane)的名曲,華麗的人生。這不是很好嗎?我有自信,我的人生比在其他地方活著的人更華麗、豐富。」(19) ˙黑澤:「你聽過這首歌嗎?Lush是醉漢的意思,曲名的意思是自暴自棄的醉漢人生。或許你最需要的,正是這樣有所覺悟的生活方式。」(239) <Here Comes the Sun> ˙他抖著雙手,拚了老命的拉開耳機線,將耳機塞進耳朵,好像毒癮者在尋找毒品一樣。……醫院名稱是「披頭四」,這時候的藥劑師一定是喬治˙哈里森……豐田調大音量,閉上雙眼,凝神細聽,歌詞重複著「It’s all Right」,他也在心中不停的重複這句歌詞,不安感漸漸消失。(49) | 說到人生,不管誰都是業餘新手啊!任何人都是第一次參加,人生這種事沒有什麼專業老手。就算偶爾有人自以為是專業老手,其實大家都是業餘者、新手。(黑澤,240) |
<Lush Life>英文歌詞--
I used to visit all the very gay places
Those come what may places
Where one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of life
To get the feel of life...
From jazz and cocktails.
The girls I knew had sad and sullen gray faces
With distant gay traces
That used to be there you could see where theyd been washed away
By too many through the day...
Twelve oclock tales.
Then you came along with your siren of song
To tempt me to madness!
I thought for a while that your poignant smile was tinged with the sadness
Of a great love for me.
Ah yes! I was wrong...
I was wrong.
Life is lonely again,
And only last year everything seemed so sure.
Now life is awful again,
A troughful of hearts could only be a bore.
A week in paris will ease the bite of it,
All I care is to smile in spite of it.
Ill forget you, I will
While yet you are still burning inside my brain.
Romance is mush,
Stifling those who strive.
Ill live a lush life in some small dive...
And there Ill be, while I rot
With the rest of those whose lives are lonely, too..